Implementation and Application of A Multifluid Dust Module in Athena++
Title:Implementation and Application of A Multifluid Dust Module in Athena++
Speaker:Dr. Pinghui Huang (黄平辉)
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Time:Wednesday, July 26th 3:00pm
Zoom: 843 3880 7059,Password:5301
In recent years, ALMA discovered many protoplanetary disks with sub-structures in dust continuum and gas line observations. These sub-structures are believed in being tightly related to the planet formation and gas-dust interactions in disks. We have implemented a multifluid dust module in the Athena++ MHD code. The module can accommodate an arbitrary number of dust species interacting with the gas via aerodynamic drag, with a number of numerical solvers. In particular, we describe two second-order accurate, fully-implicit solvers that are stable in stiff aerodynamic drags between gas and dust. Moreover, we formulate a consistent treatment of dust concentration diffusion with dust back-reaction, which incorporates momentum diffusion and ensures Galilean invariance. This dust module is implemented to be compatible with most existing features of Athena++ and it will be particularly useful for studies of dust dynamics and planet formation in protoplanetary disks.
2019.7 Ph.D. in Planetary Science, Astronomy, Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China
2017-2019 Visiting Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Rice University, USA
2019.9-2022.9 Postdoc, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2023.1- Postdoc, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Research Interests:Computational Astrophysics;
(Magneto-)Hydrodynamics; Planet-Disk Interactions; Planet Formation.附件下载:
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