Hydrodynamical galaxy formation simulations: Current results and future prospects
Time: 14:30 pm, Friday, 01 November, 2019
Location: Room303, 3rd floor, SHAO
Speaker: Volker Springel
Institute: the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics
Title: Hydrodynamical galaxy formation simulations: Current results and future prospects
Simulations of cosmic structure formation have come a long way. Nowadays, they are not only accurately predicting the dark matter backbone of the cosmic web and the internal structure of halos and their satellites far into the non-linear regime, but are also following the baryonic sector with rapidly improving physical fidelity. In my talk, I will review the methodology and selected successes of recent hydrodynamical galaxy formation simulations. According to these calculations, the role played by strong, scale-dependent feedback processes from supernovae and supermassive black holes could hardly be overstated. I will critically discuss some of the primary uncertainties in modelling these processes, and consider a number of the challenges lying ahead in this field in the coming years.
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