Probe of Supernova Progenitors with Gamma-rays
Title: Probe of Supernova Progenitors with Gamma-rays
Speaker: Wei Wang (Wuhan University)
Time: 3 pm, September 27 (Thursday)
Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Abstract: Supernovae (SNe) have the subclasses of core-collapse supernovae (Type II, Type Ib/Ic) and thermonuclear explosions (Type Ia). However, the central explosion mechanisms for the different types of SNe are not well understood. The radioactivity isotopes, i.e., 44Ti and 56Ni, are produced in the central explosion region of SNe. Detection of the gamma-rays emitted by these isotopes can constrain the mechanism of supernova explosions and the supernova progenitors. I will introduce the recent results of gamma-ray observations: constraining explosion mechanism of core-collapse SNe by detecting 44Ti in CAS A and SN 1987A; progenitors of Type Ia SNe probed by 44Ti in Tycho and 56Ni in SN 2014J. In addition, the diffuse 60Fe gamma-ray emission in the Galaxy can constrain the nuclear reactions and nucleosynthesis models in SNe. Future possible development of gamma-ray detectors is also discussed.
Brief CV
Wei Wang, the professor of School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, obtained the BSc degree in Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University in 2000, a MSc degree in National Astronomical Observatories, CAS in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree in Max-Plank Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany in 2007. His main research interest concentrates on neutron stars, pulsars, magnetars, X-ray binaries, supernovae, supernova remnants, gamma-ray astronomy, nuclear astrophysics. He has published more than 60 refereed papers. He got the support by the Outstanding Youth Fundation of National Natural Science Fundation in 2016.
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Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
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Location:Lecture Hall, 3rd floor