
Multi-messenger approach to study the origin of high-energy cosmic rays


  Title: Multi-messenger approach to study the origin of high-energy cosmic rays  

  Speaker: Xiang-Yu Wang (Nanjing University)  

  Time: 3 PM, June 29 (Thursday)  

  Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor  

  Abstract:  Cosmic rays are extremely energetic charged particles  with energy up to 10^20 eV. Although these particles have been discovered for more than 100 years, the astrophysical sources of them are still unknown. As cosmic rays produce secondary neutrinos and gamma-rays within the source or during the propagation,  neutrino and gamma-ray  

  are important messengers to study the origin of the parent cosmic rays.  In recent years, a lot of progress has been made in this area, thanks to IceCube and Fermi observatories. I will discuss the multi-messenger approach, incorporating gamma-ray, neutrino and cosmic ray research, in studying the origin of Galactic and extra-Galactic cosmic rays.  

