Some Unsolved Problems in Black Hole - Galaxy Coevolution
Title: Some Unsolved Problems in Black Hole - Galaxy Coevolution
Speaker: Luis C. Ho (KIAA/PKU)
Time: 3 PM, January 12 (Thursday)
Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
The growth of supermassive black holes is thought to be strongly connected to the evolution of galaxies. Despite the importance of this key topic in contemporary astrophysics, there are a number of outstanding, unsolved problems. I will describe current challenges in black hole mass measurements, both in active and inactive galaxies, highlighting issues related to reverberation mapping, ionized gas dynamics, and stellar dynamics. I will offer some thoughts on ways to make progress in future efforts toward black hole mass measurements. I will also describe a major new program (BHOLE: Black hole - Host Lifecycle Evolution), which is aimed at a comprehensive investigation of the coevolution of hlack holes and galaxies across cosmic time, focusing on efforts to derive black hole mass accretion rates, galaxy star formation rates, and host galaxy stellar and gas masses.
Speaker:Yan Gong (Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy)
Time:9:30am, August 01th, Tuesday
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Junhao Liu (East Asian Observatory)
Time:9:30 am July 27th (Thursday)
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Dr. Pinghui Huang (黄平辉)
Time:Wednesday, July 26th 3:00pm
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Shuang Zhou (University of Nottingham)
Time:3:00 pm July 13th (Thursday)
Location:Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Speaker:Prof. Wen-Ping Chen (National Central University)
Time:1:30 pm July 6th (Thursday)
Location:Lecture Hall, 3rd floor