
Radio observations of the gamma-ray sources detected with Fermi  


Title: Radio observations of the gamma-ray sources detected with Fermi     
Speaker: Dr. Leonid Petrov 
Time: July 8 Friday 10:30am  
Location: Room 701
The orbiting Fermi observatory discovered 3000 point gamma-ray sources. The majority of them, 56% were confirmed as AGNs, a fraction of sources was associated with pulsars, supernova remnants, but approximately 1/3 of them are unassociated and their nature remains mystery. Nowadays, we have catalogues with millions and billions objects in optical, UV, IR, radio and other frequencies. Probably, the most remarkable achievement of astronomy for last 100 years is that the nature of all these objects was revealed. We do know what they are: stars, galaxies, gas clouds, cosmic microwave background, etc. The phenomenological picture of the observed Universe has been built. Although some exotic objects may have been missed or mis-identified, but en masse, the nature of objects in the Universe that emit electromagnetic waves seemed to have been established. Discovery of Fermi observatory has shattered this belief. I will present results of dedicated all-sky radio astronomy observations that have goals a) analysis of the population of gamma-ray loud radio sources, b) a search for associations of remaining 1/3 of gamma-ray sources.     
About the speaker:
Dr. Leonid Petrov is a staff Scientist of ADNET Systems, Inc./NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, USA who has very rich experience on radio Interferometer (especially VLBI), from designing experiments to interpretation of results. He has wide experience in programming of development of large size systems, compilers and real-time applications. About the radio interferometric data he contributed in constructing the most complete catalogues of positions of compact radio sources. The results are published on 60 papers. Please find his work in http://astrogeo.org/petrov/cv.html and Astrogeo Centre http://astrogeo.org/ . 

