The mass and angular momentum distribution of cosmological simulated massive ETGs to large radii
Title:The mass and angular momentum distribution of cosmological simulated massive ETGs to
large radii
Speaker: Xufen Wu (USTC)
Time: Wednesday, 3:00pm, Dec. 16, 2015
Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Recent observations and cosmological simulations suggest a two-phase formation scenario for massive early-type galaxies (ETGs). It is important to compare observations with cosmological predictions. Here we present the first detailed analysis of the inner and outer dynamics of a large sample of simulated galaxies. We study the dark and luminous mass distributions, circular velocity curves (CVCs), line-of-sight kinematics and angular momenta for a sample of 42 cosmological zoom simulations of massive early-type galaxies, which grew through the two-phase processes.
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