Growth and Feedback of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters
Time: Thursday, 10:00,July 18
Location: Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Fulai Guo (Zwicky Prize Fellow at ETH Zurich)
Title: Growth and Feedback of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters
Abstract: AGN feedback plays an important role in cosmic structure evolution and is one of the central unsolved problems in current astronomy. The most compelling evidence for AGN feedback comes from numerous detections of X-ray-deficient cavities in galaxy clusters, apparently evolved from the interaction of AGN radio jets with the intracluster medium. In this talk, I will present my recent theoretical and numerical work on the physics, impact, and triggering mechanisms of AGN mechanical feedback in galaxy clusters. I will also discuss our AGN-jet model for the recently-discovered Fermi gamma-ray bubbles in the Milky Way, which shows that the Fermi bubbles could be produced by a pair of powerful jets released from Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Center, about 1-3 million years ago. I will end my talk with a list of unsolved mysteries of AGN feedback and the Fermi bubbles.
Speaker:Yan Gong (Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy)
Time:9:30am, August 01th, Tuesday
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Junhao Liu (East Asian Observatory)
Time:9:30 am July 27th (Thursday)
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Dr. Pinghui Huang (黄平辉)
Time:Wednesday, July 26th 3:00pm
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Shuang Zhou (University of Nottingham)
Time:3:00 pm July 13th (Thursday)
Location:Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Speaker:Prof. Wen-Ping Chen (National Central University)
Time:1:30 pm July 6th (Thursday)
Location:Lecture Hall, 3rd floor