The star formation and mass assembly histories of galaxies
Title: The star formation and mass assembly histories of galaxies
Speaker: Houjun Mo, University of Massachusetts
Time: 20th May,3:00pm
Location:3rd floor Lecture Theatre
The average star formation and stellar mass assembly histories in dark matter halos can be inferred from the observed stellar mass/luminosity functions at different redshifts combined with the observed stellar mass/luminosity function of cluster galaxies at low z.
The inferred star formation and stellar mass assembly histories show different characteristics in three different stellar mass/halo mass scales.Dwarf galaxies on average show two stage of star formation, but their star formation/assembly histories are very diverse. Massive galaxies with form their stars early but the most massive galaxies may have assembled later. Galaxies in the intermediate mass range formed and assembled their stars late. These results have important implications for galaxy formation and evolution.
Speaker:Yan Gong (Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy)
Time:9:30am, August 01th, Tuesday
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Junhao Liu (East Asian Observatory)
Time:9:30 am July 27th (Thursday)
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Dr. Pinghui Huang (黄平辉)
Time:Wednesday, July 26th 3:00pm
Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
Speaker:Shuang Zhou (University of Nottingham)
Time:3:00 pm July 13th (Thursday)
Location:Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Speaker:Prof. Wen-Ping Chen (National Central University)
Time:1:30 pm July 6th (Thursday)
Location:Lecture Hall, 3rd floor