A TeV source in the Galactic plane: galactic or extragalactic?
Title: A TeV source in the Galactic plane: galactic or extragalactic?
Speaker: Krisztina Gabanyi
Time: Nov 11 , 2011 (Friday ) 14:00 pm
Location: middle conference room, 3rd floor
Abstract:Recently, the H.E.S.S. Collaboration discovered a very high energy gamma-ray point source close to the Galactic plane. They offered three possible explanations for the nature of the source: a gamma-ray binary, a pulsar wind nebula, or a BL Lac object. They concluded that the observations favoured an extreme BL Lac object interpretation. We investigated the nature of the radio source reported as the counterpart of the very high energy gamma-ray source. We performed high-resolution radio interferometric observations with the European Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network and also reanalysed archival radio continuum and HI spectral line data.Our findings do not confirm the BL Lac hypothesis, on the contrary it lead us to conclude that the TeV source may be of galactic source and the most likely origin of the high-energy emission is a remote pulsar wind nebula.
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Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
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Location:Middle conference room, 3rd floor
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Location:Lecture Hall, 3rd floor