
Recent progress on the GLOSTAR survey


Title:Recent progress on the GLOSTAR survey

Speaker:Yan Gong (Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy)

LocationMiddle conference room, 3rd floor

Time9:30am, August 01th, Tuesday

Tencent Meeting576-157-8290 Password: 6360


Stars with more than about ten solar masses dominate galactic ecosystems. Understanding the circumstances of their formation is one of the great challenges of modern astronomy. In the last years, our view of massive star formation regions (SFRs) has been dramatically changed by Galactic plane surveys covering centimeter to infrared wavelengths.   The cm Galactic plane survey will be indispensable to complement to these exiting surveys. However, previous cm surveys lack either enough angular resolutions or large-scale information. Utilising the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array and Effelsberg-100m telescope, the GLObal View on STAR Formation (GLOSTAR) survey can achieve an angular resolution of 1.5” and recover information on all spatial scales, which makes GLOSTAR the first survey at 4--8 GHz that can rival with space IR mission in terms of spatial scales and dynamical ranges. The GLOSTAR survey is the most sensitive unbiased radio survey at  4-8 GHz in the pre-SKA/ngVLA era, which  will therefore provide a unique dataset with true legacy value for a global perspective on star formation in our Galaxy. I will discuss about the recent GLOSTAR results on radio continuum, radio recombination lines, H2CO absorption lines, and CH3OH masers.


Yan Gong obtained his bachelor degree in physics from the Central China Normal University in 2009. Then, he started his career in Purple Mountain Observatory, and accepted his PhD degree in 2016. In 2017, his PhD thesis was awarded the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  From 2017 to 2021, he was appointed as a postdoc in Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy. Since 2021, he became a scientific stuff in Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy.

